Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I just remember it..and now i am counting the days

Standard la..kalo cintan cintun mesti pakai gmbo neh..hihi..

Today is 22nd of July..I just remember that there’ll be someone’s special day happen in this August..huhu..and I am thinking what to do to make the day a memorable one for that someone. That someone has sometimes hurting me, makes me cry and makes me hate..but yet I still have the love and care inside me.. And the love and care will always be there forever... eceh… miss him so much!! Hehe..

Mungkin stat dari hari ni aku kena search for gambar cake kat internet!! Haha..pastu gambar love2..gmbar love terpecah pastu love tercantum balik!! Haha..

Terasa gak nk bagi jer bantal spongebob..sbb nya masa b’day aku y lepas, aku mintak hadiah jam tangan..tp dia bagi aku bantal peluk kenet ada gmbr spongebob..ape ar…x romantic dan x loving langsung.. tp aku gomol2 + peluk jugak malam2 masa tido..

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Problem increases when we count it~~~

Ni gambar masa raya...mak aku yang kanan sekali...dari kiri..nus gendut, wawa, leha, pakcik aku, milah(nora), ida,dek da, mak aku..aku tukang amik gmbar

Ni gmbar persis potret..nus berlagak giler kata dia tere amik gmbar..aku y comot tu kat depan..wawa dan dek da kat belakang..dek da paling sakan bermekap ye..x padan ngn tingkatan satu.. (masa gmbar ni diambil)

My mom says that she has four problems in her life. We get chocked. What are the no 1 till 4? So I list them out :

1. She has got four daughters that have not married yet!! And she said this has haunted her the most. Unfortunately, I am included in those 4 daughters! It is more crucial for my elder sister as I love to hide behind her. When my mom ping pointed "bila nak kawen?" question to me, I will automatically point back the question to my sister. "Kita tunggu mila kawen dulu.." Yah, it is good to have a sister that is not yet married, at least you are safe. My sister is 29 years old and planning to get married soon. But I am not sure how the soon will be. I am 25 and also planning to get married soon. And still I am sure that the soon is sooo soon. The third daughter in the list is my younger sister, Nus, 23 years old, final year student. She laughed a lot when my mom said this. She is landscape student, staying in her studio almost 80% of university lifetime, get dizzy with buck of projects, sleeping in her studio is almost 5 days a week, have no bathe in 1 day has become a routine..."how come I have the time to think about marriage!!" she yelled out. Haha..We laughed at her.. "and some more, I don’t have any boifren!!" she added. "Err..that is not our or even my mom's problem. You have to find one lah..". and the last daughter that haunted my mom' s life is my younger sister, Wawa. Even worse, she is just 20, we thought that it was not acceptable for my mom to worry her. She is still young. Have a boifren, but he has just finished his SPM.. haha..we laughed at her a lot.. My mom thinks a lot..that is how, instead of thinking bout 2 daughters, it became 4..

Err.. the rest of the problem will be revealed later..as the first one is the most important!!